Religion-Babylon the great
Religion- the great whore. Those that entered into life were not defiled by her Rev 14:1
Religion, as depicted in Scripture, is identified as Babylon the Great Whore—a symbol of idolatry and spiritual enslavement, cunningly devised by Satan to challenge the Name and commandments of YAHUWAH, the Creator.
Her purpose is to lead the unsuspecting human race astray. As Revelation 18:1-10 urges, "Come out from among them, my people, so that you do not partake in her judgment.
Religion is also the opposite of the 'Father and children relationship' YAHUWAH offered to Adam (symbolizing the human race) in the Garden of Eden (*Gen 3:8/ Yahuchanan-Jh 1:12). Religion represents the rebellion or fall away of that heavenly Relationship. And her members are treated as commodities by its merchants or religious leaders (*Rev 18:9-20/ Ezekiel 16:31).
It is through religion that Satan was able to deceive a third of the population of the malakhim (angels) in Heaven and challenge the authority of the commandment of YHWH, which led to his arrest and expulsion from Heaven with his angelic followers and members.
Satan's first human recruit in religious matters was Havah (Eve), Adam's wife. He deceived and manipulated her into challenging the authority of the Word of Elohim. Consequently, she deceived Adam, thus depriving humanity of their citizenship in Paradise (*Gen 3:1-6/ 1 Timothy 2:11-15/ Rev 14:4).
The Book of Revelation makes it clear that those who will gain eternal life were not defiled by her sorcery, which is called gospel or teachings, but they will overcome her through the written Word of Elohim, as Messiah Yahoshea exemplified in Luke 4:1-13.
In Religion, men are neither hot nor cold but just lukewarm; they are neither saved nor worldly but just outwardly religious.
What is the Purpose of Religion
Since time immemorial, religion has existed as a perversion of the relationship with YHWH, beginning with Satan in Heaven. Religion operates as an organized syndicate designed to ensnare unsuspecting victims—whether angels or humans—into doubting the commandments of the Creator and His Name, in which YHWH vested the salvation of all His creation.
As soon as Satan planted the well-orchestrated seed of doubt (the strange gospel) in Eve regarding the commandment of YHWH, it prompted their disobedience, leading to their immediate expulsion from Paradise. It is worth noting that Satan and his angels were the first to be expelled.
Satan initially deceived himself, downplaying the consequences of his decision to disobey YHWH's commandment, much like people do today. Perhaps he convinced himself that nothing would happen if he added to or removed from YHWH's Word.
Before that time, Satan (Godrel) could not fathom anything else besides the scene of heavenly beauty and esteem. In his mind, there was no way he could comprehend being expelled from Heaven to the rocky Earth or even hellfire. Much like humanity throughout history, living outside the commandments of YHWH, and unconcerned with the consequences in the afterlife or on judgment day.
Since mankind's expulsion from Paradise, where Adam and his wife once enjoyed a harmonious bond with YHWH, their Father and Creator, upon their arrival on Earth, some of their descendants—the sons of Cain—engrossed themselves with all manner of religion (idolatry), which is the perversion of the relationship Elohim ordained.
Humanity was designed for worship and to foster relationships with both their Maker and fellow human beings. However, when that relationship is no longer present due to sin, which is disobedience to the Word of YHWH, humanity resorts to an alternative presented by Satan: religion and the worship of false deities inherent in it.
Ordeal of Religion
Upon close examination of all religions, starting from the sons of Cain, whom Satan deceived into worshipping the sun as a deity, along with the moon, the sea, big mahogany trees, hosts of heavens, carved images, etc., they did so sincerely, believing that they were following the right path. Much like all religions today, with diverse faiths, deities, and doctrines, each faith sincerely loyal to their gods.
Religion is Satan's most potent tool of deception, as it bears some resemblance to the truth found in the commandments of YHWH. However, it distorts the truth by either adding or removing from it, thus corrupting it. Eve, for instance, adhered to the commandment of YHWH, but she obeyed an altered version of it rather than the unadulterated truth; religion is the altered version.
What is accepted before the Almighty is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. For that reason, YHWH warned against adding or removing from His commandments. But we are to be careful to obey them.
Satan is not stupid enough to completely remove the commandments of YHWH, his Maker. However, adding to or removing from them renders the commandment as invalid as ignoring it entirely. That is why the greatest education a person could acquire in their lifetime is the School of the Word of YHWH. Because Eternal life, whether in Hell or Heaven, depends on your knowledge of the commandments or lack thereof (*Yahuchanan 17:3-6).
Half-knowledge is as dangerous as no knowledge, for if someone obeys all the commandments but breaks one, they are as guilty as breaking all (*James 2:8-11). If someone does not kill but steals, they are as guilty as the person breaking all the commandments. If someone keeps all the commandments but profanes the Sabbath, they are as guilty of breaking all the commandments (*Ex 20:15). Therefore, it's imperative that we diligently study the Word of YHWH under the guidance of the Qodesh Spirit, as emphasized in 2 Timothy 2:15.
Let's delve into Satan's strategies of deception within religion. It's crucial to understand that while Satan acknowledges the Word of YHWH, he distorts it by either adding or removing elements, thereby diminishing its integrity and rendering it ineffective
*Genesis 2:15-19
15 And YHWH Elohim took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And YHWH Elohim commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” 18 And YHWH Elohim said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” 19 Now Elohim had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.
*Genesis 3:1-6
3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals YHWH Elohim had made. He said to the woman, “Did Elohim really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” 4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For Elohim knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like Elohim, knowing good and evil.” 6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
In this scripture, Satan acknowledged that the Almighty issued the command, but he subtly added to it. Furthermore, he minimized the consequences of disobeying. This reflects how religion often manipulates by either augmenting or diminishing the commandments of YHWH, instead of wholeheartedly obeying them. The scripture instructs us to trust and obey, without adding, removing, or questioning the intention of the Word of YHWH.
In the guise of scriptural semblance, humanity unwittingly embraces diverse, seemingly innocuous religions prevalent on every street corner and within the fabric of society. However, the diluted doctrines of these various faiths inadvertently undermine the authority of true commandments.
In the idyllic relationship Adam once shared with YHWH, his Maker, he pleased YHWH by obeying His commandments. In turn, YHWH, his Father and Creator, provided him with all he needed in the Garden of Eden. What a sight it must have been. Before Satan introduced religion through the woman, chaos immediately erupted.
Religion: the challenger and opposer of the Truth, which is the commandment of YHWH
In Paradise, the Garden of Eden, YHWH commanded Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Satan, the opposer, religiously challenged YHWH's commandment and encouraged its violation. As a result of that disobedience, the human race fell, and this consequence persists to this day.
YHWH Almighty bestowed upon Adam a day of rest known as the Sabbath, symbolizing His covenant love and provision. However, Satan opposes the Sabbath and, through religion, replaced it with Sunday and Friday instead (*Gen 2:1-3/ Ex 20:8-11/ Ex 31:13-18).
The Almighty disclosed His true Name to Moshe (Moses) on Mount Horeb, commanding it to be the Name by which He desires to be called and remembered. Once again, religion, the opposer of truth, not only substituted the Name of YHWH but also prohibited its use, while venerating the names of other deities such as Deus, Theos, God, Allah, Buddha, Amun Ra, Jesus, Horus, and others (*Rev 17:1-5).
Moreover, she opposed and challenged the name of the Messiah, the Son of YHWH, whose name is Yahoshea, and replaced it with the pagan name Jesus.
The Almighty YAHUWAH calls His people by His Name, Isra'El, which means 'Overcoming Princes of Elohim.' He also refers to them as Yahudim, meaning 'The Praise of YAHUWAH.' These names signify the elect who have overcome Satan's lies, tracing back to the events in the Garden of Eden, ultimately becoming the praise of YAHUWAH (*Rev 21:7-8/ 2 Chro 7:14). Once again, the deceiver led the entire human race to adopt names to the contrary, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Catholicism, Protestantism, Nazarenes, and so forth.
The Almighty gave His people Passover. Religion challenges it and replaced it with Easter, which is the pagan celebration of the fertility goddess and spring known as 'Ostara,' 'Eastre,' or 'Eostre.'
Satan will always oppose the commandments of YHWH, his Creator. It's like a sport to him, at the expense of people's eternal life. He is a challenger and opposer of the Word of YHWH. And he does so through his tool and wife called Religion, the mother of all faiths in the world (*Rev 17:3-6).
Before the destruction of the Earth through flood, the entire human race was sincerely worshiping diverse deities in various religions, whom they believed would grant them salvation, much as you see today. Yet they failed to investigate through history to know the true Deity whom the righteous Noah, our great-grandfather, worshipped, to do the same. As a result of their ignorance, they met their demise, a fate shared by all generations thereafter.
There is only one way to return to Paradise or the Garden of Eden, where humanity originated. It is through the discovery of the Name of our Creator and His Son's Name (*Pro 30:4 / Jh 17:6), and through wholehearted obedience to YHWH's commandments, after forsaking the things of this world (*Jh 14:23/ Luke 18:18-30).
Those who accept the Name of YAHUWAH and His Son Yahoshea, and guard His commandments, to them YAHUWAH will give the right to bear His Name on their foreheads, as a mark of the sons of YHWH and a seal of salvation (*Rev 22:4/ Rev 22:14).
The Almighty Creator, YAHUWAH, bestowed upon humanity a relationship through Yahoshea, His Son, rather than a religion, which is followed by the whole world in various faiths. Let those who have ears, hear (*Jh 1:11-13/ Rev 12:9/ Rev 13:4-9).
Two paths to eternal life: neither through the broad path of religion where many go nor the narrow path of truth, where only a few have tread Matt 7:13-14
COME OUT FROM AMONG HER, my people—whether it be Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism, or any other belief—and return to YAHUWAH, your Creator. Honor His Name and abide by His commandments, and you will be redeemed!