Join us on Sabbath at 10am and on 4th-day at 6pm

Followers of Yahoshea


YAHUWAH, the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, who holds the entire universe in the palm of His hand, has no religion, nor has He ever commanded the formation of any religion. All religions are man-made, not Heaven-made.

YAHUWAH established, from the beginning, a Father-children relationship, while Satan fabricated religions through which he led astray the entire Earth. Come out from her, my people, come out from Religion- babylon the great whore (*Rev 17:3-5/ Eze 16:31).

The Almighty Creator bestowed upon us a Relationship, not Religion. This heavenly bond is forged through wholehearted obedience to His commandments and the exclusive worship of His Name, 'YAHUWAH.' It mirrors the very relationship, some may term Faith, that He granted to the malakhim (angels) in Heaven, ensuring His desires are uniformly fulfilled on Earth, just as they are in Heaven.

It is also the same bond or relationship YAHUWAH bestowed upon Adam in the Garden of Eden, which he lost through disobedience through his wife (*Rev 14:4). This bond, restored by the Messiah as the second Adam, reflects the Edenic bond Adam once enjoyed with YAHUWAH, His Father. This restoration is summarized in Yahuchanan-John 17:3-6 as follows: the restoration of the worship of the Name of YAHUWAH, which was banned from circulation, and wholehearted obedience to the commandments of YAHUWAH.

YAHUWAH, the Almighty Creator gave us a Relationship between the Father and children, encapsulated as:

Firstly, belief and exclusive worship of His Name 'YAHUWAH,' which He shared with His Son and Messiah, Yahoshea (Yahoshea means 'YAHUWAH is Hoshea or salvation') *Num 13:16/ Proverbs 30:4/ Jh 5:43/ Jh 17:12/ Rev 14:1. YAHUWAH called His obedient children by His Name as 'Israel or Yahudah.' And He ordained that salvation should exclusively come through His Name. Furthermore, He marked His children on their foreheads with the seal of His Name or salvation  (*Rev 7:3/ Rev 14:1/ Rev 22:4/ 2 Chronicles 7:14). Legitimate children bear the name of their father, while illegitimate ones do not, but bear the names of idols of jealousy.

Secondly, obedience to His commandments, because YHWH and His Word are one (Yh 1:1). His commandment is His nature and lifestyle. His commandments provide guidance on the path to eternal life, and they also transform us into His likeness. Can two walk together unless they agree? (*Ex 20:6/ Lev 18:4/ Jh 15:10/ Jh 17:6/ Rev 22:14).

Thirdly, YAHUWAH bestowed upon us His festivals, with Sabbath being paramount, in the Garden of Eden. These festivals serve as commemorations of His salvation plan for His chosen children, who are called and sealed by His NAME (*Lev 23 / Gen 2:3/ Ex 20:8-11/ Luke 22:1-8). Sabbath is the sign of the Covenant that we are His legitimate and obedient children  (*Ex 31:12-17/ Eze 20:11-13/ Eze 20:19-20).

That is the summary of the relationship YAHUWAH, the Almighty Creator, gave us. Nevertheless, Satan, from time immemorial, invented religions, which are idolatry and spiritual slavery, to deceive the entire human race into worshipping various deities, such as Allah, God, Mary, Buddha, Sun, Shiva, Baal, Adonai, beside YAHUWAH. This leads mankind to follow numerous paths away from the actual path to eternal life. 

The True Relationship