☆☆☆ YHWH's Hebraic culture, also referred to as Heaven's culture, of which we are part of today—having been grafted into the family of YHWH through His unmerited mercy—originated from Heaven. This culture is followed by all the hosts of Heaven and was given to us by YHWH to maintain a uniform way of life among all His people, both in Heaven and on Earth.
The culture encompasses beliefs, rituals, festivals, solemn gatherings, social behaviors and norms. It serves as a lens through which we view and interact with believers and nonbelievers, molding our identity, values, and sense of belonging.
It also encompasses rich practices and observances deeply rooted in YHWH's commandments as written in the Scripture. Central to this culture is the reverence of the Name of YHWH and the observance of the Sabbath, a day of rest, spiritual rejuvenation and gathering. This practice stems from the belief in the creation narrative, where YHWH rested on the seventh day. Afterwards, He commanded His people, both in Heaven and on Earth, to do the same in perpetuity.
Another significant part of our culture is the observance of the New Moon festival, Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Trumpets, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur: a solemn day of general fasting. Similarly, we perform rituals such as water immersion, the observance of kosher laws, and abstaining from pork meat and blood.
The principle of loving one another is an important part of YHWH's culture, emphasized by the teachings of the Messiah. The commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself is seen as a unifying force that transcends differences and fosters a sense of oneness, community and compassion.
In contrast to Western culture with its practices such as Christmas, birthdays, Sunday worship, coliseum sports, and entertainment—originating from Roman culture, influenced by Greek culture, and having historical roots in Persian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Nimrodian traditions—we abstain from these customs. Their culture conflicts with the Heavenly culture we follow under YHWH's guidance (*Jer 10:1-4/ Deut 12:28-30). Whoever participates in the culture of this world bears the mark of its beastly system (*Daniel 7:3-7), contrary to the seal of salvation (*Rev 7:3) given to those who abide only in the commandments of YHWH (*Rev 22:4/14).
In today's world of sports, much like the Roman Coliseum of old, it is a circus caricature of humans, once created in the likeness of the Most High. Just as Sunday is a caricature of the Sabbath, and Easter, a distorted version of Passover, God and the Lord (Baal) worship is a deviation from the worship of YHWH the Most High. As implied by their names - World Cup, World Series, World Champion - all these are of the world. We, on the other hand, are not of this world but emissaries sent to proclaim the good news of YHWH's Kingdom (*Jh 17:14-18).
We share the same culture and lifestyle as malakhim in Heaven, governed by a single law that applies to both them and us. The core foundation of our shared culture is based on the commandments of YHWH. We refrain completely from observing holidays and practices of the heathens, whether it's Christmas, birthdays, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and so on, which YHWH did not institute or command (*Deut 4:2/ Isa 55:8).
Lastly, it is important to understand that there are two primary cultures on Earth, just as there are two systems and two races of people, namely: the cultures and systems of YHWH, and the other is the culture and system of this world. Read more
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YHWH's Culture